Destiny Arts Studios -
Comic Story: Cartoon Story Q-Birdy vs Peter Season 01 Episode 01 Coming Soon.
This is My Characters vs others in an all out! Brawl, on a Story Base format.
NOTE #1: For "Copyright!" Reasons i will have to Breakdown the Characters, to be my own creations. i will try my best to come close enough without crossing the line.
In the end if all is good! and it will, I Be able to Produce Merchandises for you to implore! Upon and to keep me around longer, All the cartoons will be free to watch here. I don't care about the Money! I care more about the Art! than, "almost!" life it self. This Takes a lot of time and effort and I,m a Broken Starving Artist that's going to be the Best! Thing that came to newgrounds, I plan on Taking all the big Dogs Here Down First, and I will do it All without a High School Diploma! "Somehow!?" I don't follow Trends! and It's about Time I Come Out! of the Shell! and show them All! what a true Artist is All! about, The Sleeping Gaint! has Awaken! NOW! RUN!!
"NOTE #2: with Respect to all, But I love the challenge"
On Top of that! The Voice work that may go into it!, won't be the same as what your used to. If I Introduce it! to you with my new characters, it will feel just right! All of My Characters will be specially Design for the Comic Story Lineup. there's going to be 3 or 4 seasons each with about 5 or 8 episodes.
"NOTE #3: Everything is Subject to Change Upon Final! Public Release.
Indie Man Projects, Comic Story, Logos, names and related indicia are © 2013 Destiny Arts Studios. All rights reserved
Q-Birdy and Peter Guy Gilbert and all characters, names and related indicia are © 2013 Destiny Arts Studios. All rights reserved.