Great work it gives out a sad vibe!
Great work it gives out a sad vibe!
Cool thanks always wanted to put my own characters in that tank!
very high Tone in Color could have use a bit more saturation thought would have balance it up some.
high tone, what do you mean by this?
Very nice! I think it's very Calming and Safe. but also feels a little bit Mysterious.
Thank you :)
Very cute why Pizza?.
Well, the responsible mod of the blog sets up a theme and you draw something along that theme in a maximum of 45 (30 to draw and 15 to "submit, though you can add that time to draw which most of the artists do) or 60 minutes.
Not! sure what this means, but looks funny and sad at the same time.
have you ever heard of gods of Greek mythology, there no such thing as a god killing another god. gods don't fight with each physically, they fight by making wager's. then the winner get's what was promise, but the loser either get's punish or imprison, or send to some other dimensions and or strip away from there own powers or by half. this mean they would be reborn "let's say as half gods and or send to earth as a demigod" a demigod maybe have god blood in them but they will still have to obey the rules and laws of that universe.
why those he reminds me of dead-pool? and if he is a god why those he need to where a mask!? also why would he have only so little powers? why would he have both light and dark energy? this character has no moral agendas. he just a character whom you thought he be cool as a "superhero or what not" this is not the way to make a good solid character that stands out to your audiences, who ever they might be. when creating a character you must do it as if he was your perfect baby don't give a "cool not original look" patch it up with some powers that are meant more for moral men, than a god!. you have to start over from scratch and look in to the smaller detail possible, examine this character all the way, ask yourself those basic question that i ask and keep asking more and more then your mind will eventually give you answers you need to complete the character main profile this could take months of work or years, not! 2 days. think of Dr.Frankenstein when he was creating his monster. think of being in a lab where you have all these tools to play with, use them to create your true characters experiment around feel your characters out, be ambitious, use chemical X if you have to a.k.a <mixing everything to create something ELSE!>. this character is not your true character, this is something else you saw someone else do and decide to do the same thing only change it up. your doing the same things marvel and Dc Comics do which is just no fun anymore they don't know what there doing anymore just look at how they mess up superman by making him a god. on his home planet he was a moral men or child he was just a regular joe and then because he got his powers from landing on earth he just becomes a god! is that right! superman will not last long if they continue it like this. if mickey mouse can be taken down then the same could happen to him or any other comic franchises out there if they don't shape up.
well i don't think i have to review the rest of your stuff seeing as they will all be more or less the same basic idea and or structures, I hope this helps out see ya.
I didnt say he was a god I said he was a descendant of a GODLIKE MAN and thank you for the review i'll take your advice
you gave him a sword, a cape, a flaming hand and your calling him red phoenix. that is exaggeration. make the character more simple stop trying to do what other people do. make this your character now someone else's overdone idea.
Toonyman is Here to make a name for himself, All in dew time. I Love! Everything' About Art, I,m Very Passionate and will try and make the Best of it here. I don't Follow Trends, I don't like Tomatoes, but I Like Cats!.
Sleep and Eat
Bum! School High
Joined on 5/27/12