what ruin it for me was the punch! it didn't need it. or at least you could have made it any way that shows that the punch was to knock him out! of his misery.
what ruin it for me was the punch! it didn't need it. or at least you could have made it any way that shows that the punch was to knock him out! of his misery.
why you had to ruin it with those stupid jokes!? I was building up to it. this could have been a x-mas series, or seasonal. but you ruin what could have been a good thing.
All good things must come to an end.
not! that impressive, you did all this just to make it violent, there was no real point to this. you should stop thinking like the rest and start creating your own style of writing and or scripting the story. you got to take good care of each and everyone of your characters. because if you don't this all there worth to you. you don't need to be violent just for the sake of it. just be true to the characters, just ask yourself do they need the violent? or what! ever else.
This was pointless in D, end they where never reunited, It's like it never happen! when you make artwork of any kind you can't make just for our viewing eyes! you must make it for the characters in the story as well.
great! another random crap!
I think you could have made it a 3 part episode before you ended it like that on the first episode. It would have felt right! nicely done but the plot was too! thin and too quick.
Well, this is a student project so there were some rules and limitations I had to follow... I would have loved making it longer but... you know... rules and stuff.
character tumbles to much! you took it too! far. Have some control, and know when it's to much or less. The key Idea here is Balance.
Well that was my intention from the start. But anyways, thanks for the feedback
Hell yeah Boobies! is there going to be a sequel? if so can i make or show case my boobies flash short animations too?
The Violent Parts, was not really necessary, this is what ruin it! you don't need to add stuff just for the sake of adding them you must be true to your characters and give them only what they are really meant to have.
there was no ending Conclusion, what's up with that!? it just ended.
Toonyman is Here to make a name for himself, All in dew time. I Love! Everything' About Art, I,m Very Passionate and will try and make the Best of it here. I don't Follow Trends, I don't like Tomatoes, but I Like Cats!.
Sleep and Eat
Bum! School High
Joined on 5/27/12